e trick
I've been tossing around the idea of perhaps going to a meeting in the future just to check things out I'm in no hurry this could happen months or years from now. I would like to give them a witness about some of the problems I see as a newly interested person checking things out. Maybe just hanging back after coming to the meeting late and casually talking with people as a non pushy interested in what going on after some internet search led me to JW.org. Be friendly and nonjudgemental. I don't want to let on I'm a XJW just interesting in seeing what their meetings are all about. In the process ask them about their claims of being the only true religion, and ask question about why did god choose them in a friendly inquisitive manner, Ask about their end of the world predictions, and perhaps lastly are they aware that their corporate head quarters is paying huge amount of lawsuits and how they are dealing with this crisis in the religion?
The whole trick is to remain calm, friendly, nonargumentive, listen like your are just a friendly observer looking for answers to some questions of concern you have about the WT corporation. I don't know if I can pull it off, it may take some real preparation to remain all composed and shit,, I'm a terrible actor, I need to brush up on some acting course or something, do like they would in Hollywood/Bollywood .